Relocation to Cornwall 2019


We have finally made the move to the beautiful location of Cornwall, and me and family could not be happier.

We are now living in Launceston, the ‘capital of Cornwall’ which is located on the Cornish / Devonshire boarder leaving us perfectly located to make the best of both counties. And of course we will still be venturing out further afield as we shoot/work U.K wide.

This has been a long planned for goal that has finally become a reality. Cornwall is a place of significance to me and somewhat of a spiritial home. In fact I already feel settled and at home and it has only been a few weeks since arriving - it must be that sea air!!! We are lucky in our location as we not only have the entirety of Cornwall on our doorstep, within easy access, we also have Devon - so we hae the best of both worlds.

We have lots of work to now do - in getting all our other artisitc endeavours up and running and ourselves rooted in the community… and we can’t wait to get started.

Wayne Hudson

Wayne Hudson AKA ‘A Chap called Wayne’.

Photographer and Creative.

Fan of music and penguins.

Lives in Lanson (Launceston) Cornwall, on the boarder of Devon.

Launceston Life


How to choose the right wedding photographer part 5